Friday, November 13, 2015

All I Have Left is a Song of Peace

In Oklahoma City, people were working at their desks
In London, people were riding the Underground
In Mumbai, people were strolling through a market
In Paris, journalists were working and cartoonists were drawing
In Beirut, Marines were in their barracks
In New York, so many people were enjoying a beautiful Tuesday morning
In Saudi Arabia, people were going to pray
In Aurora, people were going to watch a movie
In Japan, people were commuting to work
In Turkey, people were rallying for freedom
In Washington, DC, people were protecting our country
In Nigeria, people were trying to make it another day
In Tunisia, people were vacationing on the beach
In Iraq, people were trying to rebuild
In too many places, students were trying to get an education

In Paris tonight, hundreds of people went out La Bataclan to see a concert.

I do most of the activities above, but going to see live music is where I find
my peace
my joy
my connection to the universal language of music and dance.

I have to believe the terrorists knew exactly at whom they were aiming their weapons. Concerts are gatherings of happiness and good vibes and being together with strangers and friends who love what you love.

Tonight, 100 or more of those revelers, those music fans, were killed in a holy place by the unholiest of people.

As we enter Shabbat, all I have to offer is a song of peace.
May there one day be a true Shabbat of Shalom.