When I originally posted about this Mussar of Writing project, my idea was to"
read every day (done!)
write every day (done!)
post every day (done!).
I'm going to walk back on that last one. Once w eek, on Shabbat, I will skip the posting. Shabbat musings will be for an audience of one. Me.
Instead, I will share a quote about Shabbat by someone who inspires me and a photo of a place that inspires Shabbat-ish thoughts.
Shabbat Shalom. See you Sunday.
The Quote
"The Sabbath is no time for personal anxiety or care, for any activity that might dampen the spirit of joy. The Sabbath is no time to remember sins, to confess, to repent or even to pray for relief or anything we might need. It is a day for praise, not a day for petitions. Fasting, mourning, demonstrations of grief are forbidden.
It is a sin to be sad on the Sabbath day."
Abraham Joshua HeschelThe Sabbath